El tiempo - Tutiempo.net


Twentieth century

At the beginning of the century the population of Algarinejo reached more than 10,000 inhabitants. However, it is also at this time that the decline of the town begins. The Spanish civil war contributed to this, during which the town

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18th and 19th century

Durante este periodo la agricultura comienza a situarse a la cabeza como principal fuente económica de la localidad. El cultivo del cereal es desplazado por el olivo, ocupando éste terrenos adehesados que tradicionalmente eran destinados a la ganadería, una actividad

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16th and 17th century

In the year 1570 the decree of expulsion of the Moors was ordered. Although depopulation affected the good performance of the economy, in general the 16th and 17th centuries were relatively prosperous, both economically and demographically. Livestock is one of

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XV century

The town of Algarinejo is reconquered by the crown of Castile in the year 1483, without having to face great resistance. On this same date the battle of Lucana takes place in which the last of the Nasrid kings of

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muslim era

Algarinejo is one of the municipalities where the imprint of Arab domination has lasted the longest, not only in the configuration of its urban area, but also in agricultural and craft practices. Located on the border with the Castilian kingdoms,

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Visigothic period

With the German or Visigoth invasion, a process of ruralization and abandonment of the cities began, in order for the population to take refuge in the elevations of the nearby hills, with the consequent also abandonment of agriculture for activities

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Roman age

The origin of the urban center of Algarinejo dates back to Roman times, according to the findings obtained in the archaeological excavations carried out in 1990 in Huerto Megías, where the remains of a villae (Roman rural house) were detected,

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It is probable that the lands of Algarinejo have been inhabited since the Lower Paleolithic, approximately 400,000 years ago, according to the archaeological remains found at the end of the lznájar reservoir. They were nomadic hunters and gatherers, who lived

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Historical evolution

The region has been inhabited since the Paleolithic. It was the site of the Iberian people of the Bastetanos, it received visits from the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, with Rome it became important as a place for agricultural production and possibly

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