4. Route of the Rivers and their habitats

4. Route of the Rivers and their habitats

The route starts from the “Molino Chicurro” after accessing it from a crossroads that starts at the Fuentes de Cesna – Algarinejo regional road at the height of “El Palancar”.
Afterwards, the road continues from “Chicurro” towards the “Río Pesquera” and when it intersects with it it becomes a small path that runs parallel to the river on its right bank, and then after about 150 m, crosses to the left bank.
After traveling about 200 m, ford the river again to take a Vía Pecuaria (Vereda Real Loja – Priego) on the right bank, which passes between the farmhouses of “La Venta” and ends at the “Fuente de la Venta”.

fishing river

The “Río Pesquera” is the main protagonist of this route, with a characteristic geomorphology of a river located between mountains and hills with steep slopes and a moderate karstic modeling, but of interest due to the abruptness of the boxing.
This river also presents a continuous flow, medium-high, of a pluvial nature and not very pronounced low water with numerous pools in the bed and numerous springs or small streams that feed it, especially on the right bank.

Gallery forest in a good state of conservation and of great interest, mainly on the left bank (river crossing with the “Chicurro” road to “La Venta”), with dominant willows, black poplars, occasional elms, as well as such as rushes, bulrush, hundred-year-old walnut trees and a wide variety of other hydrophilic plants.
It is a habitat of special interest for the conservation of fauna, where we can observe species such as the Buzzard, the Short-toed Eagle, the Eagle Owl, the Little Owl, the Scops Owl, the Genet, the Garduña, the Badger, the Red Partridge, the Conejo, la Liebre, etc., especially in the “Sierra del Castillejo”, near the river. Presence, also, of American Crab, Barbos of big size and Fang in its channel.

centenary walnut

Despite the intense occupation of the territory, the “Río Pesquera” has a well-preserved natural habitat, being the main river of the Montes de Granada.
The numerous places of ethnological interest that are located in its surroundings, testify to an intense use of water as an instrument of fundamental work for rural society: “Acequia y Molino de Cubo de Chicurro”, “Azud de la Confederación” (S.XX) , “Casería de La Venta” (Ss.XVI-XX), “Mill of La Venta”; and remarkable landscape enclaves: “Chicurro” environment; “Río Pesquera” in its central section, “La Venta” (Casería y Fuente).
The main historical function of this section of the “Río Pesquera” has been as a strategic junction and resting area for the “Vía Pecuaria Loja-Priego”, which was used to move large herds of sheep over long distances. This runs parallel to the river and wades at several difficult points in the streams. After connecting at the Palancar junction with the Vía Pecuaria Algarinejo – La Viña (Route 2) it continues towards the lands of El Raso – Palancar (Route 1) looking for the rich seasonal pastures of the “Sierras de Priego”.



