It will serve to introduce topics as important for development as sustainability, efficiency, bioclimatic, the information society.
In the next module, the visit takes us into the use of caves today as human habitat. The different types of cave-houses, their geographical distribution, characteristic elements, etc. This area is located in the antechamber of the next cave, and will be made up of a large mural next to the stairs that provides an overview of this topic.
It should not be forgotten that caves are currently one of the most attractive singular accommodations for tourists and that they can provide significant support for the development and diversification of the economy. Subsequently, you will enter a cave decorated simulating a cave of the future, with avant-garde and functional furniture where a vision of what the cave will be like in future times will be proposed. It will serve to introduce topics as important for development as sustainability, efficiency, bioclimatism, the information society.